About us
Paternity WA is a personalised DNA testing service, located in Perth, West Australia.
We are not a laboratory and do not provide online DNA testing.
Our service provides a trained Paternity Co-ordinator based on site, to assist you through the testing process.
We aim to make your testing as easy as possible.
Confidentiality is ensured.

What we do
As a trusted paternity service provider our service goes beyond Paternity; we can help you determine your biological mother, father or other kinships, including twinship.
Our Co-ordinator will meet with you in person at our clinic.
Testing is explained, consent discussed, and sample collection arranged.
We provide an independent third party to facilitate the process, to ensure samples are taken accurately, and all individuals are consenting and in understanding.
We take care of the couriering of your samples to a reliable and accredited lab.
We provide you with answers and ensure you understand your result.
If you need help adjusting to the outcome of your testing, or wish to discuss and explore what this means for you individually, as a couple or as a family. Our in house counsellor can assist you with this step.